July 06, 2004

One more step

There he goes again....

My husband, who at times confuses me with phrases like, "cleft in twain", and who has more vocab in his finger than I learned in college.....has done it again. He has used the simplest of phrases to make me speechless.

I'll admit, being the husband of a pregnant woman in her third trimester isn't always that easy. I don't know from experience...but I'll bet its a pretty good assumption. With physical aches and pains, not to mention the mood swings...things do indeed get a little hairy at times. --and today was no exception.

He was leaving for work...and I had definitely woken up on the wrong side of the prego bed this morning. I was grumpy, tired, sore, blah blah blah...... you get the picture. And I was getting to a point where I had reached the peak of those feelings....plus, I was really dreading to see him leave this morning. He could of handled it a number of ways----1) told me to cheer up 2) Say, "Aw, buck up and act like a real woman!" (I know, a little macho...not his style) 3) or simply ignored it. Instead, he choose to take a few minutes and address it with that quiet strength and gentleness that drew me to him the first time we met.

He drew his arm around my waist, kissed me softly, and said this:

"Amanda, do you remember my hiking trip a few weeks ago? It was a really difficult journey for Mr. Negishi and I. There were times that we wanted to quit...Mr. Negishi even stopped at one point and said he might pass out. But, we stopped, caught our breath, took a drink of water and walked on when we could. And when we made it to the top of the mountain we were able to say, 'Wow, we've finally made it....' Baby, you have to look at today like that. Its tough, but someday you'll be able to look from the top of the mountain and say, 'I've made it'."

At this point, those so-called problems had melted into tears falling on his hands as they held my face. I said, "I know sweetheart...thank you." Then said, "I wish you didn't have to go today..." He replied, "I know, if there was ever a day for a vacation day, right?" To which I said, still in tears, "I wish you had a stomach flu!" He laughed and smiled at me,"I know..". Oh, but then the clencher....."But, honey, you have your heavenly daddy to talk to all day..."

Isn't that the truth. At times, I am amazed at how good God is. And how He places wisdom in people to speak to us at just the right time.... To be honest, I felt as if my heavenly daddy were speaking to me right then...with words of comfort, rest, hope, and assurance. I know those words were not my husbands, but from One who knows me even better.

One who loves me more than anyone I have ever met or will ever meet...who knows every awful thing I've ever done and loves me no less....who knows exactly what I need before I ask....and who, with a gentle smile, even in the midst of my third trimester-ness... leads me to a quiet place beside still waters where I can rest in his arms as He says, "Amanda, its going to be alright...rest here awhile, catch your breath, then take one more step..."

Thank you Father for your goodness and your comfort over me...at just the time I need it. And thank you for my amazing husband, given completely by you.... As we celebrate our one year anniversary this weekend...let us not look to ourselves but to the one who has blessed us immensely, more than we deserve. This year has been a great one...filled with fun, hardships, life lessons, and new experiences. They all come from you, who leads us on the path of life...may we always live our lives to glorify the name of the One who keeps us in the palm of His hands. Amen.

July 01, 2004

FINALLY.... a conversation!

Now, I know I shouldn't have been hungry. But there I was at my local supermarket's McDonalds ordering a snack. Haven eaten my lunch a mere hour and a half ago, I felt as if I hadn't eaten since 1975. Call it prego munchies, whatever....

Anywho, I interrupted my shopping to grab a small chocolate shake and regular cheeseburger. As I was waiting for the order, the nice lady behind the counter started a conversation with me. Oh God, not now! ...I thought. Where is Jeremy's (my husband) Japanese conversational skills when you need them? Quick, act like you didn't notice and walk away...was my next thought. --Or just take a leisurely stroll over to a table and sit down. But no, there i was, faced with what would be the most normal of things in my own country.......shootin' the breeze with a stranger.

She said a long phrase in Japanese with a smile. I heard the word, "Akachan", which meant baby. Boy, did she know how to make me smile.... I said, "Hai", which means yes. I was hoping it to mean, "Yes, I'm pregnant--Yes, I'm having a baby--and Yes, I don't speak much Japanese". She moved her hands in a forward motion and said the phrase again...it struck a familiar ring. I figured she was asking about when the baby was due...she then said, "Nan gatsu?" Which means, "What month?" I proudly said the short phrase I learned the minute I knew the due date, "Juugatsu yokka!"--Oct. 4th. The rest of the conversation went like this--which proudly displays my limited knowledge of the spoken language of the country I live in. Basically, she totally made sense (more or less) and I said my short phrases and gestured alot:

(i'll spare you from my bad Japanese)

nice lady-- "Gambatte kudasai!" (which means, "Good luck...Go for it!"--your basic 'you can do it!' phrase in Japanese)she said this after realizing I was near my due date.
me-- "Thanks!"

after a moment of awkward silence

nice lady--"Isn't it hot?
me-- "Yes, ...hot."
nice lady--"Is she an active baby?" as she punches the air like a boxer.
me-- "Yes" as I motion like I'm eating, then showing her that she kicks after I eat.

nice lady goes to get my burger, and when she comes back:

me-- "Strong wind, eh?" (we're expecting a typhoon)
nice lady looks outside and says, "Yes, very strong wind, be careful!"
me-- as I take my burger, "Thank you very much!"
nice lady-- "Yes, you're welcome and thank you too!!"

With all that said, I left with a smile and a profound realization:
It is possible to have a conversation in Japan..albeit a simple one. She simply reached out, and talked to someone she didn't know about something that they would definitely know.

Yet another one of the small miracles that God graciously gives during my day to let me know He's got things covered. And as I walked away I thought, "Boy, does He know how to make me smile..."