September 06, 2004

A crossroad or a Cross in the road?

Interesting stuff......

In a few short weeks, I'll be a mother....

I have approached an area of my life that could have continued straight, taken a left or right, or God forbid, fallen back on the road (we've all done that before--some of us continue to do so on a daily basis). My life will make a turn in the road, in another direction...

Someone will call me "mom"---I'll be responsible for another human life---my life as I've known it will change forever---did I mention someone will now call me "mom"? ...and lets not forget its variations: Mommy, Mum, Momma, etc.

I began my maternity leave a short month ago...seems like yesterday, and yet I still can't believe it. For as long as I can remember, I've always had a job or been in school. To put it mildly kids: I feel like a bum. Yes, I know that I'm pregnant and am taking care of myself...yada, yada, yada. But, really after taking my pre-natal vitamin, taking a nap, and not doing any strenuous work....what else is there to do? Sure, I have my list of projects: finish the scrapbook, do my spring cleaning, arrange baby clothes again .....

Alot of thoughts have occupied my mind as I've had this time off---right or wrong, they are thoughts that I believe accompany anyone (man or woman) about to go through a major life change:

"Will I ever be the same?"

"Can I cut it? I have the stuff it takes?"

"What about my goals and dreams?"

"How will it affect _________?" (any given variable in our lives)

Sure, these thoughts are healthy and I've racked my brain seeking a formidable solution. Something to answer all the questions and put my mind completely rest concerning this crossroad in my life. Honestly, I haven't found it yet....and I'm glad I haven't.
Let me explain:

Maybe its just me....but isn't it okay to not have some things figured out? I have a foundation in God and assurance that He will be with me no matter what.....I have His strength, guidance, and wisdom readily available any time I need it. Does the uncertainty in this life change make Him any less powerful or able to handle the changes in my life? I mean, lets be honest, its not like this is a big shocker to him! He kinda knew this was comin' up in the road......

I feel like a contractor who's been hired to build a very big bridge. I have been given the best materials available on the market, have hired the best crew, but have only been given the plans that include: what it will eventually look like, and the first day's construction plans. Frustrating?....yep! But, do we need to know what every day will look like? We just know that we have the best available to us if we but take hold of it each day. That's as much as I can make of it right now. I'm taking care of myself, asking God for help on a daily basis, and praying for a fat healthy baby in 4 short weeks.

Many of you (since I know that a whopping 3 or 4 of you read these posts!) may be thinking:
"Oh, how sweet, with faith in her God..."
" Geeze, its not that easy to explain...."
"Why am I reading this?...."

Well, let me ask you question: How many times have you done the following?
--sat in a chair
--given a piece of your heart to someone
--opened an account at the bank
--let someone babysit your kids
--driven a car

Probably too many times to recount, huh? Did you ever question if that chair was going to break when you sat in it?....that the someone you loved would take the piece of your heart and tear it up?.....that the bank would suddenly go bankrupt and your money gone?....that your car would drive normally? Probably not......what I mean is that its amazing to me how much faith we put into normal everyday things. We don't doubt it...we just do it---we open the account at a bank, let someone new babysit our kids, drive our cars, and sit in chairs. And then say that trusting in God is "too risky", "would change my life too much", "I don't have time for it right now..." or better yet "I don't need Him...." That one cracks me up to the n-th degree...these are the same folks having sleepless nights and drenched in worry while presenting to the world that everything in their life is under control. Man, that takes a lot of energy....I know, because I was the queen of that country.

How many crossroads can you count in your life that you have reached and crossed over?
What were you walking on? How sturdy was that bridge? I've been there too...sometimes it rocks and sways like those wooden cable bridges at the playground... and sometimes I could barely tell I was on a bridge. But, like the earlier example--those bridges were made of the best materials, and sometimes when I couldn't see what was ahead, I just had to keep on walking.

I don't know about you guys out there, but I'm going into this one with several things in mind:

God has my best in mind...He will be with me no matter what....His strength is limitless...and He is all I need to make it through this. And better still, from beginning to end, He promises to hold me close and never let me go.