April 13, 2005

Wanted: Music for Theraputic Means

Why do I suddenly break down in tears every time I hear Mary J. Blidge singing about "No More Drama"? I have been trying to figure this out since 2001 when I heard it for the first time.
Music has always been a powerful force in my life. Since a baby, I've been surrounded by music, musicians, and the like. Thanks, in part, to my father who is cut from the same mold. I can't recall a time I've spent with him where there hasn't been music playing or discussion about it.

Well, back to Miss Mary. I first heard this song after 9/11--and I was mad. Man, I didn't even know why... Part of my experience in 9/11 was being stuck on the east coast on a business trip while all hell was breaking loose a few hours north of me. And, in my hand that morning, was a plane ticket for September 11 leaving at 3pm. I was supposed to fly that day. And may I say that what really pissed me off ('scuse the french) is that someone had the cahones to pull something like this off, you know? A few thousand people are killed in a horrible way, a city I love is torn to bits emotionally and physically, and here I am stuck in a stupid hotel room while the country and its leaders figure out what the heck to do next........but I digress.

On the million hour Greyhound bus trip back to Texas I was shocked, upset, and really angry to say the least. To pass the time, I read a biography about Ray Charles. I remember being on the bus with everyone from business executives to college students--and I think everyone was in shock. I heard "No More Drama" shortly after my return home. When I heard it, I knew it was a powerful song, but I never knew the theraputic means in which it would affect my life. The song itself describes that a cycle of hurt in her life and how she is through with it all. Upset over mistakes of the past, people that have affected her, etc. She sings,

Broken heart again, another lesson learned, better know your friends, or else you will get burned. Gotta count on me....cause I can guarantee that I'll be fine. No more pain..no more drama..no more drama in my life...no one's gonna make me hurt again..
I don't wanna cry no more..no more pain, no more games, messin' with my mind..no more drama in my life...no one's gonna make me hurt again..
--- then the clincher...

No more tears, I'm tired of cryin' every night. No more fear, I really don't wanna fight. No more drama in my life.... I don't wanna ever hurt again.."

I found myself crying every time I heard this song....it was therapy, it brought the truth out in me in droves. I was tired, I was sick of crying, and I wanted to get over what happened that week. You see, all I could do was watch TV (which in itself, was not reassuring whatsoever), pray, talk on the phone, and feel completely helpless over what happened. So, in some ways, my therapy came later...and through the form of music.

And the music of this song, in itself, is amazing....the passion of the lyrics is reflected through the music..and I always appreciate a complete experience in that, you know? Miss Mary's voice in this song is, at some parts, raw..rough even..but thats what the lyrics are communicating. A raw-ness, a "I'm through with this s@#* " attitude if you will. Eventually, I did get to the point where as the bridge states, as the music builds;

Oh, if feels so good..when you let go..of all the drama in your life. Now you're free from all the pain..free from all the games, free from all the stress....... ---it's up to us to choose whether we win or lose, and I choose to win...no more pain...tired of hurting...tired of you playing games with my mind.......no more drama...no more tears....leave me alone! Go ahead....no more pain...I'm so tired...no more, no more...

Your demons gettin' out of my face....Goin' out my life (No more drama) I'm about to lose my mind....Lord help me, help me sing.. no more drama

My friends, this is what music if supposed to do! It commuicates, relates a human experience, and reminds us of past times, of the good times, etc. Funny enough, this song has served at different times in my life when the "drama" got to be too much. It reminds me that walking through mud is rough, it does serve a purpose, and that I will overcome with God's help. Take a listen to this song--download it, find it...you need it!