June 04, 2005


Warning: This blog may not make sense, may tend to ramble, and will otherwise be horribly written. Okay, you've been warned.

I'm home. Well, I'm in America at least. Not feeling like I'm at home yet. Actually, home is wherever my handsome hubby and beautiful daughter are. And, right now, we're seperated. I'm in America with Katie, our daughter, while my husband is in Japan. So, no, I'm not at home right now. At this moment, its 3:40am U.S. time and I'm sitting at my sisters house. My daughter is in the room playing in her crib while I type. She, victim to the horrors of jet lag, has woken me up twice this week with no options of returning to sleep. This is definitely the 2nd layer of hell.

Thanks to God, my amazing sister Amy has been a God send since she has taken care of, played with, and continued the development of Katie. Amy says, 'She is ready for a sippy cup', I thought (while yawning), "great, yeah, we'll check that out sometime..." But my sis went for it, consistantly giving her the cup until she like the juice coming out of it.

January 6th, 2006

Wow, that was almost 6 months ago...and where am i? Well, I definitely remember where I was! That indeed WAS the 2nd layer of hell. So much has happened in the past few months....perhaps I can actually say a perfect balance of good and bad. Whatever it has been, one thing is sure: Its been an interesting ride at that.

Right now, I am at work, with 15 min to go before Jeremy and Katie pick me up so we can go home for the weekend. Well, work....thats different--I haven't had a full-time steady job in 3 years. Its been an adjustment to say the least..but more on that later. I'm at a very analytical place right now---perhaps over the reverse culture shock endured by the transition back to america. One thing is for sure: I'm gonna have to put my comments into several different postings. Transitions, personal thoughts, thoughts about coming back to my home country, etc. It may take awhile...but I think I'm finally ready to start talking....

stay tuned.