The legend continues...
So, picture this:
A lovely cookout at my in-law's on a hot summer day in Dallas, birds are chirping...uh, choking on the smog-filled humid day, and the people of this fine city are cooled by the air conditioned homes in which they dwell.
Among the food, flies and air conditioning....yet another story of my husband's brillance as a child cuts through the air of conversations. "Well, you know...jeremy was reading by the age of four...he just loved his books...he could
stay entertained for hours!" Now, don't get me wrong...I do love the stories about my husband, even when I've heard them 100 times. I honestly never get sick of hearing about when he was a young kid...and I'm sure I'll be telling these stories when my children are in their twenties...well, maybe.
But amid the years that I have been in my husband's family, I have heard the following facts about his growing up years:
1) potty trained by the age of 21 months
2) reading on his own by his 4th birthday
3) programming on an Apple II computer by the age of 10
4) and other signs of brillance that I'm sure I've missed
So, here is my stack of accomplishments at the same age:
1) By 21 months, my mother was still changing my diapers and a year later
I was screaming on the potty as they tried to train me (we have pics to prove it)
2) At age 4, I was making mud pies and throwing them at my sister
(and probably tasting a few)
3) At age 10, I had beaten the first level of Super Mario Brothers on my Nintendo
Here's the point: neither is good or bad...different kids achieve milestones at different times. But lately, I've been thinking about these differences between my husband and I. Reason being that I have a daughter who has been very interested in the potty...and very uninterested in wearing a diaper. So, putting my own and my husband's past behind us...I forged on with an open mind and plently of resources of "how-to's" concerning potty training. "She'll go at her own pace...we'll take our time...and be patient" I was determined to let her be herself and figure out the potty on her own time.
Then it happened. Today, at the age of 21 daughter took a pee in the potty for the first time...and only on the second try with her actually on the pot. I was high-fiving her, telling her how much I loved her and that she did a good job....her response? Unfazed, taking this in like its just another day.....
The legend continues? Maybe, where are those alphabet flashcards??